Trusted by
We assist projects with our experienced:
- Automation engineers
- Electricians
- Mechanics
- Welders
- Fitters
Empower your project with our dedicated technicians
Identifying and attracting technicians for projects in the heavy industry, is a challenge that many companies encounter. The industry commands not only a profound technical expertise but also an in-depth knowledge about the increasing focus on HSEQ requirements.
The pool of qualified welders, electricians etc. for short-term projects is further limited, as they do not offer the same job security and benefits as long-term positions.
We assist projects with our experienced:
- Automation engineers
- Electricians
- Mechanics
- Welders
- Fitters
100% compliance
We handle all administrative and global compliance tasks such as:
Flexibility in Complex Projects
Whether you need a single expert or an entire team, we tailor our solution to fit your exact needs.
As a part of a team, you will also have the possibility of attaching one of our experienced supervisors, to oversee all management tasks, such as approving change orders as needed and coordinating with contractors and sub-contractors.
During the project we can dynamically alter the initial solution in regards to unforeseen events, such as project delays or extensions. Moreover, we can promptly expand or reduce the assembled team, making sure we’re always aligned with your requirements.
Plant supervision in numbers
We handle all administrative tasks
Once we’ve identified the right team for your project, our experienced back office handles all administrative tasks through compliant and cost-effective solutions, that adheres to the legislations of any given country.
We manage everything from contracts and payroll to work permits and insurance, enabling you to focus solely on your core business.